
L.A Episcopal Diocese Celebration

As many as 10,000 Episcopalians from six counties May 26 will welcome to Los Angeles the Most Rev. George L. Carey, the spiritual leader of Anglican churches worldwide in his capacity as the 103rd archbishop of Canterbury.

Carey will preach at the Los Angeles Convention Center at a Centennial Festival Eucharist marking 100 years to the day that the Episcopal Church’s Los Angeles Diocese opened its first convention.

Bishop Frederick H. Borsch has asked all 148 parishes of the diocese to make the religious celebration their principal service that Sunday.


The archbishop will begin his three-day visit to Los Angeles with a noon address Friday at the Biltmore Hotel in a meeting of the Los Angeles World Affairs Council and Town Hall of California. He will speak on “The Anglican Tradition in International Affairs.”

Carey and his wife, Eileen, will spend May 25 in briefings by their hosts on three social service projects of the diocese.

The archbishop will preach at the centennial liturgical service, which will start in the Convention Center at 11 a.m. A 1,000-voice choir formed from parishes throughout the diocese will sing. For information, call (213) 482-2040, Ext. 200.
