
Parents’ Role in LAUSD

* Parents of the Los Angeles Unified School District at San Fernando Elementary School feel that LEARN is not working. The system (district, county, city) tells us that we are an integral part of the school’s decision making when in fact we are excluded and kept in the dark.

When we ask questions of the school and district personnel, no one has the answer, nor do they respond to our concerns. We are treated as second-class citizens, not as equal stakeholders as stated in the LEARN document. The teachers union has made sure that parents are kept in the background, and only to rubber-stamp their agendas. Anyone who questions their methods, ideas or motives is intimidated and questioned intensively.

Parents are in fact able to come to the table and take part in the decision-making process. Why are we not being trusted by those to whom we entrust our children?


LEARN is not working. How can we remedy this problem--or is the answer the breakup of the district?


San Fernando
