
Official Urges Video to Promote City

After the City Council was criticized for not doing enough for business in Moorpark’s historic downtown, Councilman Bernardo Perez is proposing that the city produce a video presentation that promotes the area.

Five businesses have closed along the city’s rustic High Street, and several merchants have accused city leaders of abandoning the area.

“For some reason they forget or don’t know what we’ve done,” Perez said.

Not only would the video promote the area, he said, it would show merchants downtown what the city has already done. The video would be made by Videomax Productions, the Thousand Oaks company that tapes Moorpark’s City Council meetings.


Hardware store manager Dan Whitaker said city officials have dragged their feet on dealing with such issues as the day laborers who gather in front of a High Street market and contribute to the area’s problems.

“They don’t care about us,” Whitaker said recently about the council’s attitude.

Perez’s proposal will be considered during the council’s next meeting in two weeks.
