
Round by Round

Round by round for the Julio Cesar Chavez-Oscar De La Hoya World Boxing Council super-lightweight title fight at Las Vegas, as scored by the Sportsticker wire service:


Both fighters appear cautious early in the round. Chavez tries a left hook that misses. Neither fighter engages the action in the early going. De La Hoya jabs from the center of the ring. Blood develops on the left eye of Chavez. De La Hoya jabs at the cut. De La Hoya is in the center of ring while Chavez circles. Chavez starts to bleed heavily. Referee Joe Cortez calls for time to examine cut above left eye. Fight resumes. De La Hoya stalks Chavez. Round to De La Hoya.


De La Hoya is warned by Cortez for grabbing the back of Chavez’s head. De La Hoya looks for an opening. Both fighters remain cautious. De La Hoya tries a series of left jabs that Chavez blocks. De La Hoya pushed Chavez into the ropes. Not much action. The fighters exchange left hooks that miss. Chavez lands a left to the body. The cut over Chavez’s eye continues to bleed. Both fighters remain cautious into final minute. Chavez misses a wild left hook. De La Hoya tries a left to the body. De La Hoya connects on a series of short punches. Round to De La Hoya.



Chavez comes out aggressively but De La Hoya weathers the storm. Both fighters remain cautious. De La Hoya extends his arms as Chavez moves forward, keeping Chavez at bay. Not much action. The fighters study each other in the center of the ring. De La Hoya relies heavily on the left jab. De La Hoya pushes Chavez away and is warned by Cortez. Chavez lands a left to the head and tries to get inside. De La Hoya misses with an uppercut and Chavez responds with a combination. Round to Chavez.

(All three judges gave the round to De La Hoya.)


Chavez’s corner works on the cut eye between rounds. Chavez charges across the ring. De La Hoya responds with a series of punches but is pushed into the ropes. The fighters return to the middle of the ring. De La Hoya misses with a left hook. The left jab of De La Hoya remains in Chavez’s face. De La Hoya catches Chavez with a left to the head. Blood streams heavily from Chavez’s face. De La Hoya lands a left hook followed by a right. De La Hoya lands the best series of punches of the fight. Chavez is bleeding from the nose. Cortez calls time out with 24 seconds to go and stops the fight.
