
O.C. Jobless Rate Doesn’t Say It All

Your May 18 headline “O.C. Jobless Rate Lowest in 5 Years” makes it seem that happy days are here again for the average Orange County worker.

But are they? After all, only now, after almost six years in the economic doldrums, has the local economy regained the jobs lost during this decade.

However, the manufacturing sector has never really recovered. In the meantime, the population of this county has continued to grow.


The Times should not just show the unemployment statistics.

You should also report on how many adults, between the ages of 18 and 65, are receiving Supplemental Security Income payments, Social Security, section 8 housing, food stamps, government grants and loans, etc.

Also relevant would be information on how many adults are going to school full time and how many adults work for the government, whether it be for the schools, military, federal, state or local level.

Then, with the information in hand, maybe the average reader will have a much better idea how well the Orange County economy is doing.



