
Cypress Storm Repair Bond Measure Planned

The City Council this week reaffirmed its intention to put a $10-million bond issue on the November ballot to help pay for badly needed storm drain improvements.

At a City Hall workshop, staff members told the council that the city’s master plan calls for $42 million in storm-drain improvements. The $10-million bond issue would cover less than a fourth of work needed, Public Works Director Mark Christoffels said.

But Cypress could at least tackle 14 “high-priority” drainage projects if the bond issue passes, Christoffels said.


Councilwoman Cecilia L. Age said, “I would like to see us go for it--put it on the ballot for $10 million.” The rest of the council voted in agreement.

City Atty. John Cavanaugh said a resolution will be prepared in August that will spell out project areas and will make clear that not all drainage work can be accomplished at once.

To pass, the bond issue must win the approval of two-thirds of those voting Nov. 5.

The council also voted to put an argument in favor of the bond issue on the pamphlet information mailed to voters.


Any person or group wishing to publish an opposing ballot argument may do so by presenting it to City Clerk Lillian Haina by 5 p.m. Aug. 9.
