
What the Polls Say

At least until the resignation of strategist Dick Morris hit Bill Clinton’s campaign, the president seemed to be maintaining his lead over Bob Dole.


HOTLINE/San Diego UNION-TRIBUNE HOTLINE/CHICAGO TRIBUNE Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Clinton 48% 47% 50% 46 45% 49% Dole 36% 35% 33% 38% 38% 39% Perot 8% 8% 9% 8% 7% 5%




ABC TRACKING POLLS, SAN DIEGO ABC TRACKING POLLS Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 1 Day 2 Clinton 49% 47% 48% 51 51% Dole 33% 37% 37% 36% 36% Perot 12% 12% 11% 8% 7%


, CHICAGO Day 3 Clinton 52% Dole 35% Perot 7%


Note: These polls survey registered voters during the weeks of the Republican and Democratic conventions. The ABC survey numbers represent a two-night average, while the numbers from the Hotline, a political news service, each represent one night’s polling.
