
The Resignation Letter

Last night, I resigned as campaign strategist for President Clinton. While I served, I sought to avoid the limelight because I did not want to become the message. Now, I resign so I will not become the issue. I will not subject my wife, family or friends to the sadistic vitriol of yellow journalism. I will not dignify such journalism with a reply or an answer. I never will. I was deeply honored to help this president come back from being buried in a landslide and to make it possible for him to have a second chance at a second term. He is a great president and a great man. He truly can unite the country around the partnership of opportunity and responsibility. It is the message for our times. I want to thank the president and the Democratic Party for allowing me to return. I hope I have served them well. Politics will remain for me what it was to Robert Kennedy, an honorable adventure.

-- Richard Morris, Aug. 29, 1996
