
Child Care

This letter is in response to Aug. 22 column by Caryl Rivers and Rosalind Barnett, who propose a national task force to provide more resources for day care because parents want “secure, good, affordable care for their children.”

They reminded me of two custodians I knew in my former life as a teacher. Our day custodian also held down a part-time job at Disneyland so his wife could be at home with their children. Often he told me how happy he was to see the stability she provided in their lives. Our night custodian’s wife baby-sat so she could be at home with their baby. He worried about the children she cared for, especially the ones that called him Daddy. These two men, earning slightly above minimum wage, managed to have the ultimate in secure, good child care--parents.

National task forces and state day care would cost billions. Paid for by the two custodians who budget to the bone so their children can be at home with a parent?



Laguna Niguel
