
Work Begins on Center for Ex-Foster Youths

A groundbreaking ceremony will be held in East Los Angeles today to launch the construction of a transitional housing facility for former foster youths.

The facility, which will be located in the 200 block of Mednik Avenue, was designed to prevent homelessness and welfare dependency among at-risk youths 18 to 21 who have outgrown foster care.

The project is an effort of the Community Enhancement Corp., a nonprofit group, and the Los Angeles County Community Development Commission.


“The mission of the project is to move youth from welfare to work,” said Esther Torrez, project manager of the nonprofit group.

Youths housed in the center will receive a monthly stipend, job training, counseling and education to prepare them for the high school equivalency exam at the end of 18 months. The facility will include nine two-bedroom units and feature a classroom/computer lab.
