
Obituaries - Sept. 12, 1996

Bauhof, Sally J, 80, of North Hollywood, homemaker. Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills.

Davis, Betty L., 74, of Burbank, retired lab technician for Asceptic Thermo Indicators. Valley Funeral Home, Burbank.

Dunn, John P., 24, of Sun Valley, carpenter’s apprentice. Aftercare California Cremation and Burial Society, North Hollywood.

Ellis, Edwin G., 86, of Van Nuys, retired mechanic for Virtue Bros. San Fernando Mortuary, San Fernando.


Emrey, Robert C., 78, of Glendale, retired certified public accountant. Kiefer & Eyerick Mortuary, Glendale.

Fernandes, Lauretta Mae, 68, of Burbank, retired nurse. The Alpha Society, Burbank.

Funk, Gloria Diane, 53, of Tarzana, personnel administrator. Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills.

Higby, Saranne, 61, of Burbank, retired secretary for a A. Bierderman Inc. The Alpha Society, Burbank.

Kephart, Antoinette J., 72, of Valley Village, homemaker. Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills.

Kujawa, Sophia, 82, of North Hollywood, retired waitress for Bullock’s. Pierce Brothers Valhalla Mortuary, North Hollywood.


Mott, Marilyn A., 68, of Sylmar, homemaker. Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills.

Pearson, Ira M., 85, of Sherman Oaks, retired self-employed carpenter. Aftercare California Cremation and Burial Society, North Hollywood.

Ramirez, Jose Luis, 39, of Pacoima, self-employed construction contractor. San Fernando Mortuary, San Fernando.

Rynearson, Robert Lawrence, 80, of Burbank, retired welder. The Alpha Society, Burbank.

Stemp, Henry Edward, 85, of Canoga Park, retired steelworker. Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills.


Villareal, Bartolo V., 31, of Sun Valley, metal polisher. San Fernando Mortuary, San Fernando.

Obituaries are published free of charge as a public service to readers. They are based on information provided by mortuaries.
