
Notes on a Scorecard of an Extraordinary Life, Career. . . .

I read Allan as a kid and considered him a friend as an adult. I remember how vexed he was during the 1992 riots--how, like most of us, he wondered what he could do to make things better. That’s why I thought his May 4, 1992 column, while just 637 words, was one of the best works published during that painful time.

He began: “Today is not business as usual. Slam dunks, home runs and hat tricks are for another column. This one is about real heroes. Here are some of those who have touched my heart the past few days:”

Allan went on to cite the deeds of more than 22 people, some of whom had put their lives on the line, all of whom had made a contribution to community. One of them was a firefighter named Scott Miller, who had taken a bullet through his cheek while responding to one of the many blazes on Night One. Allan’s was The Times’ first reference to Miller and his heroism.


He concluded: “I have lived in Los Angeles all my life. Too much of what has happened the past week has embarrassed me. But much has made me feel proud, too.”
