
Arms for Park Rangers

Re “Park Rangers Seek Right to Bear Arms for Protection,” Sept. 23.

I am writing this in support of arming the L.A. city park rangers, but first I must point out some outdated political rhetoric.

In your article you state that the park ranger’s union does not support arming them with firearms. I would point out that the Park Rangers Assn. is a very small part of SEIU Local 347, which is entirely controlled by civilians who have no experience or interest in law enforcement.

Your article also speaks of the LAPD’s historical policy of “one city, one department.” Well guess what? Los Angeles has eight different law enforcement entities. They are: Los Angeles Police Department, Los Angeles Housing Authority Police, Los Angeles Airport Police, Los Angeles Port Police, Los Angeles School Police, Los Angeles General Services Police, Animal Control, and the City Park Rangers. Each of these agencies is deemed “law enforcement” under Section 830 of the Penal Code, and each must meet the standards set forth by the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training.


As park rangers have been providing law enforcement services for many, many years, I find it ludicrous that some think they are trying to become a police agency only now. I would also point out that each of the agencies listed has the same police authority as park rangers, each receives the same police training as park rangers, and except for park rangers, each is armed with firearms.

Your article also mentions that the LAPD must back up park rangers because they’re not armed. Why must taxpayers pay for these overlapping services, especially when the LAPD can’t even handle its own responsibilities?

I applaud Councilman Rudy Svorinich Jr.’s efforts to arm Los Angeles city park rangers. If Councilwoman Laura Chick does create a security unit, I hope she will have the courtesy to meet with park rangers and negotiate reasonable policies and procedures, rather than assign such an important task to some low-level bureaucrat in City Hall who hasn’t even been to a park in the last 10 years.



Mission Hills

Chambers is an L.A. County Safety Police officer
