
UCLA Releases Documents of Car Purchase


UCLA officials on Thursday released copies of the eight postal money orders used by the sister of a basketball recruit to purchase a car registered in the name of Coach Jim Harrick.

Harrick’s son, Glenn, said he sold a 1991 Chevrolet Blazer registered in his father’s name to Lisa Hodoh, the sister of recruit Baron Davis, for $5,000. The sale is the subject of a joint investigation by the Pacific 10 Conference and UCLA into possible NCAA violations.

Seven of the money orders are for $700 and one is for $100. All are dated Sept. 20, the date of the sale, according to Department of Motor Vehicle records.


They are made out to Michelle Chisolm, the wife of Glenn Harrick.

Glenn Harrick said Thursday that the money orders were made out in his wife’s unmarried name because “We handle a lot of transactions like that. She’s still in the process of changing her name over.” They were recently married.

Glenn Harrick confirmed that he was interviewed by Pac-10 Associate Commissioner David Price on Wednesday and was told that Price would contact him later if necessary.

The money orders, purchased in Santa Monica according to a postal spokesman, are in numerical order. On all eight, she spelled her first name Lissa. On the first three, Hodoh signed her unmarried name, Davis.


When reached Thursday, Hodoh declined comment.

If the sale is found to have violated NCAA rules that prohibit a prospective recruit or his family from benefiting by the actions of a university employee or representative, Davis, a senior at Santa Monica Crossroads High, would be ineligible to play at UCLA pending a restoration hearing if requested. Other sanctions are also possible.

The transaction took place two days after Davis’ Sept. 18 oral commitment to UCLA. Hodoh said she purchased the car for her brother.

Pending completion of the investigation, no UCLA officials are available for comment.
