
Greedy Insurers Get Their Comeuppance

Regarding “Federal Mandates in Health Insurance Alarm Providers” (Oct. 3): The insurers have been asking for it, in my opinion.

They have allegedly reduced the prices but they have done it at the expense of patient care. However, shareholders and CEOs have benefited tremendously. No wonder Congress has finally put its foot down, and I hope that they continue to force the insurance companies to do more.

Your article attests to my premise that increased dividends to shareholders result in decreased quality of care to patients. The money given to the shareholders, if diverted to patient care, would easily fund these few meager benefits mandated by Congress, without raising premiums.


Incidentally, the term “providers” was reserved for the true providers, such as physicians, nurses, therapists, etc., and should not be confused with the insurance companies. These companies do not take care of patients. In fact, they have become a “drug on the market.”


