

On a street where billboard expressionism approaches performance art, the Sunset Boulevard Car Wash stands alone. Over the past seven years, owner Bob Bush has turned its lighted marquee into a free-ranging forum for his sometimes baffling aphorisms on subjects ranging from Sophocles to carnauba wax. The slogans follow an unwavering format: Somebody, usually a carwash employee, “sez” something, usually invoking one of Bush’s awful puns. Not all have gone over. “There was one where I said so-and-so, from the Braille Institute, sez, ‘I always drive out with a clean car,’ ” recalls Bush, an Omaha native in his 60s. “One guy was incensed that I could be so insensitive to the blind, but I said, ‘How would they know it’s up there?’ ” In no particular order, some Sunset Car Wash classics:

* “Bob Brushless [alias for Bob Bush] sez, ‘If my bubbe had wheels, I’d run her through the carwash.’ ”

* “Edifice Rex sez, ‘This carwash is not all that complex.’ ”

* “Marketing Director Odell Braziel sez, ‘Bring me your four-wheeled dogs, I’ll make them purr.’ ”


* “Kamikaze Pilot Cockamamie Hiro sez, ‘For heaven’s sake, go down in a clean one.’ ”

* “Julie Brushless (alias for Bush’s daughter, July) sez, ‘Green is good.’ ”

* “Gangrene expert Joseph Schmeckel sez, ‘Green is bad.’ ”

* “Frank Rodriguez, scrubber to the stars, sez, ‘We’ll bust our tuchis to clean your car.’ ”

* “Hanukkah Harry sez, ‘It’s worth the gelt.’ ”
