
Schillo’s ‘Small Fee’ Looks Big to Worker

Re “County Accused of Improperly Using $2 Million,” Oct. 24.

The Ventura County Board of Supervisors balanced the county budget with $2 million from a health care fund amassed from “small fees” charged to employees who are not in the health care plan? Frank Schillo says it’s OK, because that money “should have been in the general fund to start with.”

Supervisor Schillo must be pretty comfortable if he considers $141.50 per month a “small fee.” That is what the county charges employees for not having health insurance. It’s our fair share of the administrative costs of the health plan, we are told. If this is true, what was $2 million doing sitting in a fund? If the board wants a little fund stashed away, at least stop claiming it’s part of salary costs so employees don’t have to pay taxes on it.

Frankly, I feel as if I contributed $1,698.58 more toward balancing the county budget last year than other taxpayers who do not work for the county.



