
Redux on ‘Richard’

Kenneth Turan’s review of Al Pacino’s “Looking for Richard” is gratuitously mean-spirited (“ ‘Looking for Richard’ but Finding Only Pacino,” Oct. 25). It plays on the oldest prejudice in show business--”all actors are children.” This is demeaning to the members of that profession and one wonders why Turan has chosen to work in a field where he apparently has nothing but scorn for those who toil there.

First and foremost, “Looking for Richard” is not a film about deconstructing “Richard III.” It is clearly about an actor’s effort to create a character. There is a process at work here. It consists of investigation, discussion and improvisation.

Turan with his cheap shots about indulgent “stars” makes us call into question whether his critical ability should be treated in a similar manner. If he can’t take his work seriously, why should we?



Los Angeles
