
Neutra House Needs Help

I was most gratified by the lovely spread on the Research House (“Reflecting on Neutra Genius,” Calendar, Jan. 30). Kudos to Nicolai Ouroussoff for his perceptive piece. Credit should go also to Christine Theodoropolous, Neutra Scholar, resident and professor at Cal Poly, and the new dean of the School of Environmental Design, Linda Sanders, who has at long last convened an advisory board to advise on how to deal with usage and preservation issues with regard to the house.

Ouroussoff most graphically decried the “dreary experience” of walking through the house with its obvious lack of care and maintenance. You can imagine how painful this has been for me, the designer, to see my baby declining to this sad state of affairs. I had lived on site for the nearly two years it took to rebuild our family home.

Ouroussoff has admirably tuned in on the family’s hope that by donating this project to a university, it could someday be open for visitation by students and public. There is some question whether this can be done now before extensive repairs are undertaken. I hope he’ll continue to take an interest and report on our progress.


We are inviting interested parties who could volunteer time, funds or expertise to join a citizens’ group called Friends of the Neutra House. A primary need is for funding to establish an endowment, the income from which could be used to start the much-needed preservation. Other needs include casual clean-up, painting, gardening, docent services, public relations, you name it.

Interested persons should please contact the dean’s office at Cal Poly’s School of Environmental Design, 3801 W. Temple Ave. Pomona, CA 91768; phone: (909) 869-2666.



Los Angeles
