
Outdoor Store Displays

* Re “Merchants, Neighbors Debate Outdoor Displays,” Feb. 3.

It seems to me that anyone doing business in a community has a responsibility to that community. It is not just a matter of this being a free country in which anyone has a right to display their wares in any manner that they choose.

The rules governing this were laid down long ago, and for good reason. However, merchants have been disregarding these rules for quite some time. Example: balloons tied to parked cars or parking meters, neon paint covering entire windows and, lately, all manner of merchandise covering the sidewalks.

Businesses have operated in the Valley for many years without resorting to this. Ventura Boulevard, which by any stretch of the imagination has never been a beautiful thoroughfare, is now a horror.


I invite every merchant along Ventura Boulevard to walk across the street and see what others see as they drive past. Perhaps simply trimming a tree, cleaning up trash in the street, planting a few flowers and making the most of display windows to attract business is all that is needed.

It all has to do with pride.


Woodland Hills
