
Stand Up and Fight for Camarillo State

A recent news article states “Chief of Staff Sues Fairview Hospital.” Finally, someone has conscience to stand up for the mentally ill as well as the developmentally disabled. We salute you, Dr. William Cable. You are our hero!

I also hope to see someone from Camarillo State Hospital have the guts to sue Gov. Pete Wilson and the state of California for violating human rights, and perhaps even the county Board of Supervisors for allowing Wilson and his stooges to close the best mental health facility, not only in California, but possibly, in the entire world.

What is happening to Fairview Hospital is also true at the other hospitals like Camarillo State. Even advocates are being run rough-shod when they open their mouths or exercise their freedom of expression for what they believe in.


Wake up, mental health advocates and family members. In this time of budget cuts, you get only what you fight for and deserve. Make a difference for your love ones.

ROXANNE B. ROGERS, Thousand Oaks
