
Citizen Bush, Above It All

Why did he do it? That was what people wanted to know after former President George Bush parachuted from an airplane at 12,500 feet over the Arizona desert Tuesday.

Bush’s explanation: After being forced to jump from his disabled Navy bomber in the Pacific during World War II, he promised himself that one day he would do another jump just for fun.

But why now? More than 50 years later? At age 72?

As with most things, the opportunity arose. While attending a convention of parachutists in his home state of Texas, Bush was invited by a group to jump with it.


Bush fell free for about 8,000 feet before his rainbow-colored chute opened at 4,500 feet. He grinned broadly as he made a perfect landing nine minutes after leaving the plane. “It was wonderful,” Bush said. “I’m a new man and I go home exhilarated.”

That’s a little like George Leigh Mallory saying he wanted to climb Mt. Everest because it’s there. Truth is, there’s an adventurous little kid in all of us, regardless of chronological age.

Why do it? Why not? Some things you just can’t explain. But damn, it’s fun, isn’t it? Way to go, George--uh, Mr. President.
