
After 24 Years of Hugs, ‘Miss Sheri’ Is Retiring

Like a butterfly moving among flowers, Sheri Rosenberg crossed the busy classroom Tuesday, alighting near many of the children to give them an encouraging word, a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek.

Rosenberg, or Miss Sheri, as she is known at Temple Aliyah in Woodland Hills, has been a fixture for nearly 24 years at the Early Education Center where she started the preschool/kindergarten program with four children in one small classroom.

As she prepares to retire from her post as center director this June, she said one thing she will take with her is the knowledge that she has touched a few generations of children.


“It’s wonderful to watch them grow,” she said, flashing a smile as bright as the children’s. “They have a good feeling about themselves, and a good feeling about being Jewish, and enjoying their heritage.”

Even before Rosenberg announced her retirement this year, graduates of her program--now with more than 200 children in 14 classrooms--come back often to say hello and receive a hug.

Synagogue officials expect many more to come back to honor Rosenberg during a weekend-long celebration of her contribution to the school.


The festivities start May 30, with a Friday service, continue the next night with a dinner dance, and end with a picnic on Sunday afternoon.

Rosenberg said she is embarrassed by all the attention, but organizers said anything less would not do as a way to show the affection the congregation has for her.

“When you’ve had such an impact on so many children’s lives, you tend to mean a lot to people,” Rabbi Stewart Vogel said.


Rosenberg said that after she retires she will spend time with her three daughters and five grandchildren, and will travel to historical places with her husband, Burton.

“It’s time for me to be doing things for myself,” she said. “Though I’m really going to miss coming in and seeing the kids. No matter if you’re feeling down, you come in, look at their faces, and you’re happy.”
