
Garden Experts to Give Talks at Nixon Library

Three nationally recognized authorities on gardens, floral decorating and landscaping will visit the Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace during its annual spring garden festival.

The three will lecture on the following dates:

* May 19. Author William Seale will give a slide presentation on the public and private gardens of the White House. Seale, a historian, is author of “The White House Garden.”

* June 2. Dorothy Temple, a floral designer who was President Reagan’s chief floral decorator, will speak on floral arranging and will give a slide presentation of floral decorating at the White House.


* June 16. Gordon Chappell, director of landscape for Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia, will give a slide presentation on Williamsburg’s historic area, which has 70 separate gardens.

Each lecture will be followed by a luncheon in the First Lady’s Garden on the museum grounds.

Tickets and information: (714) 993-5075.
