
Where to Shop

Many Macanese shop at Portazil Pastry, which sells not only fresh pastries but many foods imported from Portugal and Brazil. Especially on Saturday afternoons, the shop takes on the air of a social center where Portuguese-speaking people catch up with friends over espresso and thumb through Portuguese newspapers.

It’s nearly hidden in the Artesia Town Center mall, and you have to drive slowly along Pioneer Boulevard to find it. Turn at 183rd Street, keeping an eye peeled for the Jack in the Box, which is at the corner of 183rd.

The bakery tends to sell out of sweet breads and pastries early. The selections include Portuguese tartlets--about the size of a half dollar--with rich coconut, custard and molasses fillings. Besides baked goods, the only ready-to-eat items sold here are ham-and-cheese sandwiches and a Portuguese codfish-and-potato casserole.


Portuguese-style sausages are sold frozen. They include pork sausage (plain or spicy) and two varieties of blood sausage. Frozen codfish is $4.50 a pound, or $8 for boned codfish. You can buy a wedge from one of the big wheels of Portuguese cheeses, which are also displayed in the freezer. Among them is the mild, creamy Queijo Sa~o Joa~o used in sandwiches.

On the shelves, canned sardines are available in a dozen styles (spicy, lemony, packed in tomato sauce or flavored olive oils) and mackerel fillets in three (including tomato and spicy). Look for more than 12 varieties of olive oil, in colors ranging from olive drab to pale emerald green.

There are canned pastes for use in baking: guava, sweet potato and quince. Also handy for the Macanese cook are tropical fruit punches and two brands of unsweetened coconut milk from Thailand.


Portazil Pastry, Artesia Town Center, 18159 Pioneer Blvd., at 183rd Street, Artesia. (310) 865-1141. Hours: Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed Sunday.
