
Staying Involved in Politics

I am writing on behalf of California Women’s Political Summit, a coalition of California organizations committed to electing pro-choice women to office. We regret the loss of the Hollywood Women’s Political Committee as an ally and partner (April 13). We share concern that so much negative publicity about political fund-raising could discourage people from participating in elections at all--as contributors, candidates, volunteers or voters.

We want to send the message that we are more committed than ever to staying involved in political support activities, including organizing volunteers and raising funds from our grass-roots networks to support candidates in whom we believe. On those days when we feel most discouraged, we recall the positive differences that are being made at all levels of government by the women we helped to elect. If we give up now and stop raising money and volunteering our time to support pro-choice women candidates, those who will be hurt most will be the candidates we would have supported and the thousands of people we might have encouraged to participate in the electoral system.

Organizations committing to involvement include National Women’s Political Caucus, California Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League South, the Women’s Political Committee, the American Nurses Assn./California and LA List.


We realize that motivating individuals to make personal contributions of time and money to quality women candidates will be more important than ever under Prop. 208. We invite other women to join with us and demonstrate that together we can make a difference.


Calif. President, NWPC

Lafayette, Calif.
