
Residents Vote Today on 2.5% Utility Tax

City residents will vote today on a proposed 2.5% tax on utility bills. The tax on electric, gas, water, sewer and basic cable TV bills would offset a $1-million shortfall created by Prop. 218, the statewide measure passed last November.

The City Council found itself $2.8 million short in the 1997-1998 budget after Prop. 218 outlawed the city’s Lighting and Landscape District. Those assessments paid for park, beach, street light and traffic signal maintenance.

The council cut $1.8 million from the budget by eliminating services and laying off city workers. But unless Measure A--the utility tax--passes and makes up the remaining $1 million, city officials warn more cuts are in store, such as closing Richard T. Steed Memorial Park, eliminating local police dispatching and ending youth programs such as intramural sports and summer day camp.


Information: (714) 361-8200.
