
No Quit in Fight for Open Space

* Compliments on your June 2 piece concerning the loss of open space in north Orange County. The article, “New Cash Crop for Oil Companies,” was refreshing in its attempt to illuminate a complicated land-use issue in this area, and telling in its assertion that development of our last remaining wild lands is occurring quietly and without opposition.

True, the large environmental organizations have been preoccupied elsewhere, but local groups of citizens have attended untold hours of City Council meetings in Brea, armed with statistics and arguments in favor of protecting open space for our children and those species of plants and animals which have coexisted here for centuries.

Armed with a vision, citizen groups can’t match the deep pockets of oil companies, which bankroll cadres of lawyers and so-called experts in the crass accumulation of wealth after having exhausted this area’s once vast oil reserves.


We will continue our efforts to preserve what remains of open space in north Orange County, with the hope that big business will one day act responsibly and assume a leadership role in preserving its wild holdings.


