
Ahmanson Development

“Panel OKs Changes in Ahmanson Roads,” (June 13) needs a little clarification regarding the role of Calabasas. Calabasas has not and does not welcome the roads from Ahmanson coming through our residential town. Unfortunately, the judge did not see our neighborhood plights.

The funds referred to are for road work determined by Ventura County, within Calabasas borders, to satisfy Ventura’s mitigation requirements for the Ahmanson development, and as upheld by the courts. Not exactly a “good-neighbor” policy.

We have all learned what large teams of skilled, highly paid attorneys can accomplish. In this case, or rather series of cases, the teams from wealthy Ahmanson (Home Savings) Corp. beat our little Calabasas into legal mincemeat. As law-abiding folk, we have no choice but to follow court orders. This money, approved by Ventura County, is simply to allow Calabasas to install Ventura’s ideas of improvements within our city, rather than trusting some unknown developer to do it.


Bottom line: Will we follow the law? Yes. Are we happy about it? No.


Mayor, Calabasas
