
Permit Fees Reduced for Coffeehouses

To encourage coffeehouses to locate in the city and to promote its fledgling Artists Village, the City Council has greatly reduced permit fees for coffeehouses and similar businesses.

Under fees approved Monday, the cost for conditional-use permits will drop from $1,656 to $150 for coffeehouses and other businesses that do not serve alcohol but require cover charges for live entertainment.

Planning Director Robyn Uptegraff said she expects only about four coffeehouses to take advantage of the reduced fees.


But city officials believe that coffeehouses will help promote the Artists Village, a group of private and proposed public buildings aimed at revitalizing part of the downtown.

Council members Ted R. Moreno and Tony Espinoza, longtime Artists Village opponents, voted against the lower permit fees. Moreno said it discriminated against businesses other than coffeehouses.
