
2 Boys on Bike Hurt When Car Hits Them

Two teens were injured Tuesday when they darted into traffic on a bicycle and a car hit them, police said.

The two boys were riding south on Wimbledon Way about 5 p.m. and tried to cross South Coast Drive, police said.

Neither was wearing a helmet, as is required by law, and one was riding on the handlebars, which is illegal, police said.


Witnesses said the bicyclist never slowed down as he left the sidewalk and pulled into South Coast Drive, directly in the path of a car.

A 15-year-old from Santa Ana was thrown from the handlebars and injured his foot. The boy pedaling, a 14-year-old from Santa Ana, hit the windshield and was thrown several feet to the pavement.

He was taken to Western Medical Center-Santa Ana with shoulder injuries, police said.

The car’s driver sustained minor injuries.
