
Adoptions by Gay Couples

Re “N.J. Settlement OKs Adoptions by Gay Couples,” Dec. 18: Commenting on the New Jersey decision to allow gay and lesbian couples to adopt jointly, Arne Owens of the Christian Coalition said, “Our position is that adoption should be within the framework of a family and a family is defined as a husband and wife.” Unfortunately Owens’ definition of family excludes the majority of families in this country. His definition not only excludes gays and lesbians, but also single parents, grandmothers raising children and other nontraditional families.

In the United States, more than 500,000 children living in foster homes or institutions need loving homes. Study after study has shown that children raised in gay or lesbian homes are as healthy and happy as those raised in heterosexual homes.

The gay couple represented in the New Jersey case, Jon Holden and Michael Galluccio, have cared for Adam since he was 3 months old. When Adam came to their home, he was a drug-addicted and HIV-exposed infant. They have nursed him to a remarkable recovery. They have provided for a child who had little chance of a healthy, happy life. Truly this is what parenting and family are all about.


C. RAY DREW, Exec. Dir.

Gay and Lesbian Parents

Coalition International, San Diego

* The decision of a New Jersey administrative agency to allow unmarried couples (heterosexual and homosexual) to adopt children, without granting a preference to married heterosexual couples, is an astonishing policy decision. At a minimum, such a major decision should have been subjected to the rigors of legislative and/or voter debate.

With respect to heterosexual couples, if the man and woman are not even secure enough in their relationship to make a marriage commitment, the state should not entrust the permanent development of children to them.

With respect to homosexual couples, one can only speculate as to the long-term identity issues that will arise in children who grow up in homosexual households.



Costa Mesa
