
Bustamante on Aid for Immigrants

* Re “Don’t Cast Legal Immigrants Adrift,” by state Assembly Speaker Cruz Bustamante, Commentary, July 22:

Bustamante must know that he is mistaken when he claims that the SSI recipients he plans to aid “have worked hard and paid taxes.” I personally worked as an eligibility worker for Kern County and know firsthand that the vast majority of people already are too old to work. They are largely the parents of legal immigrants who signed a declaration of support to get their relatives into this country, promising that their parents would not become a public charge. They must comply with this agreement for a stated period of time, usually three or five years. The instant that the agreement period is up, they take their parents down to the welfare office and Social Security office to sign them up for benefits. I guarantee that over 90% of the elderly SSI recipients fall into this category.

Bustamante’s stance on this issue shows that his loyalty to his ethnic group is stronger than his feelings of compassion for the American taxpayers and people, whom he supposedly represents.




* Thank you for Bustamante’s column clarifying the Democrats’ position on welfare reform. Their approach appears to be a practical, hopefully effective, yet com- passionate way to create a more productive life for some people.

As the owner of a new business, I would be interested in articles with information on hiring CalWORKs participants.



* Bustamante asserts he cares about the fate of “children, the elderly and disabled” with respect to the California welfare system. “People, especially the elderly, who came here legally and played by the rules deserve a safety net; California can afford it,” so the speaker speaks.


If the speaker truly cares about the effects welfare reform has on legal immigrants, then maybe he should strive for the “bipartisan effort” of which he spoke so highly. Bustamante would serve California best by joining Gov. Pete Wilson and the many other state governors in demanding Washington accept responsibility for immigration and its effects.

Is Bustamante considering the true responsibilities of Californians, or is he gambling on the high-stakes game called “politics” with the money of those citizens he serves?

We were all immigrants at one time or another, sir. This is not immigrant bashing, it is called responsibility.



