
Airport Poll

The following is my opinion of your front-page story of Oct. 7, “Poll Shows Slim Edge for Foes of El Toro Airport.” Taking a “telephone survey of 1,002 randomly selected adults” and converting it to a story is a reflection of a strategic bias the Los Angeles Times may have to support its longtime-held position against the development of a commercial airport at El Toro.

The Times has taken an MAI (made as instructed) poll and its own MAI staff writers, extrapolated its extremely limited information, sprinkled it with well-constructed, convincing graphs, drawn conclusions and represented this to reflect the mind-set of 2.6 million people in Orange County.

It is a very sad day in the state of journalism for a newspaper to resort to such reporting and place its editorial persuasion on its front page. In my opinion, its editorial bias should be reflected on its editorial pages.



Newport Beach
