
Group Opposed to Bond Measure Misses Deadline

The citizens committee opposing a hard-fought bond measure for the Torrance Unified School District has missed a financial disclosure deadline, prompting county elections officials Wednesday to issue a written notice of noncompliance.

The missed deadline, along with the ensuing accusations by backers of the measure that opponents were trying to hide the amounts and sources of contributions as long as possible, marked the latest episode in a long, contentious campaign over Measure K. If it wins two-thirds approval from voters Tuesday, it will provide up to $80.5 million to refurbish and expand the district’s aging campuses.

Shawn Moonan, head of K’s Not the Way, said he had been unaware until Wednesday that the group had missed the deadline for the reporting period covering July 1 through Sept. 20. The reports were to have been postmarked no later than Oct. 23. Moonan said the person responsible for preparing the reports had been ill with the flu but expected to file them today.


Delinquent filers have a five-day grace period, until the close of business Monday. After that they are fined $10 a day after the Oct. 23 deadline. If they still don’t comply, county officials turn the case over to the California Fair Political Practices Commission.
