
City to Discuss Future of Santa Monica Boulevard

The city will hold the first of three planning workshops on the future of Santa Monica Boulevard on Sept. 30 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in City Hall.

Associate Planning Director Hassan Hagani said ideas for the boulevard are being broken into three segments:

The western end, from Doheney Drive to La Cienega Boulevard, has a grassy median strip. One option under discussion is narrowing or eliminating the median and widening the sidewalks.


The middle section, through Fairfax Avenue, has little distinct identity, he said. Ideas discussed for the boulevard’s eastern end, which runs to La Brea Avenue, include ways to better integrate Plummer Park. Possibilities include more landscaping, better signage and fountains visible from the boulevard. Suggestions from the public will receive City Council consideration.

Information: (213) 848-6860.
