
Auto Insurance

Re “Bill to Toughen Auto Insurance Law Is Killed,” Sept. 9:

One must show proof of insurance when renewing an automobile license. There would be no need for the insurance companies to inform the DMV of all insured vehicles. The emphasis should be on those who cancel their insurance prematurely. If all insurance companies were to issue policies for one year, the information of cancellation could be made available to the DMV and would not overload the computer system. With the knowledge of prematurely canceled policies, the local law enforcement agencies could impound uninsured vehicles.

Under the present law, an uninsured driver involved in an accident loses his or her driver’s license for a period of one year, and perhaps is given a small fine. This policy only leads to unlicensed, uninsured drivers. The law would be better served to impound the vehicle for the same period.


Los Angeles
