
The Bouquet Coulda Been Huge

Frog’s Leap Winery has gotten more out of a frog motif than anybody but Budweiser. Its slogan is “Time’s fun when you’re having flies”; its corks are all stamped “ribbit.” So it was inevitable that it would release a wine called Leapfrogmilch (88% Chenin Blanc, 12% Riesling).

The Dietary Web

A woman named Jerry Fisher runs an interesting web site devoted to recent medical research on healthy diet, combined with recipes applying the findings. The site is illustrated by her own story--she’s 79, and has reversed her osteoporosis, she claims, through diet (her husband, she says, has reversed his heart disease). Her site was was named the web site of the month by the web health information site Garden Health Magazine. The address:

The eGG Hunt

The biggest Easter egg hunt in the country--heck, in the world--might be the one organized on AOL by the Internet food and cooking magazine eGG (electronic Gourmet Guide). About a week ago, eGG hid 160 digitally dyed Easter “eGGs” in sites all across America On Line. When you find one (up to Tuesday), you are eligible to enter a contest for various daily prizes (e.g., Chantal cookware) and a grand prize of $4,995 worth of jewelry from To access the contest, AOL members use the keyword eGG.
