
New Chapter for Laguna Schools

The Laguna Beach Unified School District serves a community that has high expectations for its public education system. This explains in part the appeal of Theresa A. Daem, who last week was appointed superintendent after 6 1/2 years in the equivalent post in San Bruno. Education stirs community enthusiasm in that Bay Area city too. Voters there recently agreed to spend $30 million to refurbish seven schools, and on a visit Laguna officials found Daem to be a community favorite.

Daem will be moving to a place of sunshine and coastal breezes but also to a district that has been through considerable turmoil in recent years. The new superintendent will assume the reins in a community where disappointment concerning a predecessor’s short tenure is still fresh in mind. Reed Montgomery was fired in February and now seeks back pay and benefits. Before a dispute arising from Montgomery’s failure to show up for work, the district was shaken by financial troubles that resulted in the departure of a previous superintendent and several other top officials.

Daem has emphasized her willingness to listen, which is a good way to start in a district that has been through upheaval. She also has a strong interest in setting up a curriculum committee to consider new programs. This is encouraging news for Laguna parents who have seen initiatives tabled because of the district’s financial troubles.


After some rocky times, Laguna is due for better fortunes in its school system. Daem deserves encouragement and support in this important effort.
