
Entertainment at the Fair

Re “Fair Official Outraged by Band,” Aug. 15.

How disappointing to read that Ventura County Fair general manager Michael Paluszak was outraged by the performance of the group Next. His response confirms that he is not the right man for the job.

Anyone who shoulders the responsibility of booking family-oriented entertainment for our county’s fair should recognize immediately that any band whose album sports a parental advisory label for explicit content cannot be trusted to put on a G-rated show.

We all know the truth that “The mouth speaks forth from that which fills the heart.” Contracts and promises do not change character.


I have no sympathy for Mr. Paluszak’s feelings of helplessness as he considered pulling the plug during the band’s obscene performance. Had he thought through the logical consequences of inviting such a group, it would have been easy to anticipate the nature of the attending crowd. Hopefully, he’s learned not to invite people he’s afraid of to his next party!

Although it would not reverse the effects of exposing thousands of our county’s adolescents to pornographic lyrics and gestures, it would be refreshing to wake up to headlines reading “Michael Paluszak Outraged by His Own Irresponsible Decision-Making.” Instead of putting forth so much effort to get a half-baked apology from Next, how about surprising us all with a heartfelt apology from you, Mr. Paluszak?

