
Strikes Against Terrorism

Graham Fuller hit the bull’s-eye (“Airstrikes Aren’t the Endgame,” Commentary, Aug. 24). The “wars against terrorism” absent understanding and indeed dealing with the reasons that lie behind these criminal deeds will result in killing of more innocents by our bombs. And seed more terrorism against us.

Our government policymakers ignore the aspirations of masses of Third World citizens. Our press and policy pundits seem bent on demonizing Islam. We support undemocratic and corrupt regimes.

Oil and Israel should not be the sum total of our concern. Rule of law, democracy and human rights should be the center stage of our foreign policy. Terrorism must be rejected in all forms, including state-sponsored.



Los Angeles


Muslims all over the world seem to be upset with Americans. Apparently, if we bomb Baghdad, we are bombing all of Islam. If we declare war on Middle Eastern terrorism, we are apparently declaring war on all Muslims. Our American movies, they say, always make them out to be the villains.

I have a solution. Let the Muslims search out terrorism and help to destroy it. If the Muslims say the Koran is not a tool for murder, then let them stop the indiscriminate killings. Personally, I see no concerted effort from the Muslim world to do anything about the terrorism that is, in most cases, state-sponsored. Until the Muslim world acknowledges its own complicity toward terrorism by not actively seeking to squash it, then I see no reason for removing our stereotypical view of them.


Mission Hills


If this country is going to target terrorist activity with remote-controlled missiles, it should be targeting installations and facilities, not the leader, his followers, the workers and the surrounding population. There is no ideal way to do this, but I would suggest an advance warning as the right thing to do. Our country should not be in the business of killing innocent people, absent a declared war.



Los Angeles
