
Spectrum’s First Business Hotel Due in ’99

The Spectrum, the 5,000-acre Irvine Co. business park with 2,200 companies and 44,000 employees, is getting its first business hotel, the Irvine Co. announced Monday.

A Doubletree hotel with 252 rooms and meeting facilities is to open in summer, 1999. It will be built between Alton and Barranca parkways at the Laguna Freeway on 4.3 acres that the Irvine Co. has sold to Spectrum Hotel Group, a Doubletree franchisee.

Irvine Spectrum has been “underserved by hotels,” said John Savage, president of the Spectrum Hotel Group.


There are two motels at the Spectrum, but travelers wishing a full-service business hotel, or local businesses seeking meeting space, must travel to the John Wayne Airport area a few miles to the northwest up the San Diego Freeway.
