
Story on Freshmen Was Lacking in Class

I enjoyed Tim Kawakami’s story on Bruin basketball’s class of 2001 [“Fresh Approach,” Jan. 7] with the descriptions of camaraderie and cohesiveness among Davis, Watson, et al.

But something was missing I thought, as I read about the video games, wrestling in the rooms or staying up until 4 a.m. making up poems and saying them out loud. What was it ? Hmm, I know it was an article about basketball players and that most fans are more interested in whether they all get along on the court [rather] than in the lecture hall. But you’d think there would have been some reference to spending time cracking the books, studying, doing all nighters to pass the Poli Sci exam, something that reflects that these are scholarship players getting an education at a top university rather than just prepping for the pros.

Search as I might, I only found one reference by Baron Davis about “going to class” in the article, and even that was in the context of his not feeling ready for a “real job” in the NBA.



