
Smart Aleck

The question Jan. 11: “The city of Los Angeles is planning to fine gardeners $100 for using gas-powered blowers. What other urban annoyances should the City Council try to ban or regulate?”

The city should create a force of volunteer “handicapped patrols” composed of disabled people who could help the police to catch violators using disabled parking stalls illegally.

I am disabled. I go to malls, stores, the post office and rarely can park. I wait patiently and never fail to see that the person using the space is not disabled. They come running, carrying bundles of packages. I can detect their pride in cheating the system.


This is not only an annoyance. These people should understand that they are preventing me and many others from the opportunity to move about and participate.

Jose M. Cedeno, Los Angeles


Let’s have Los Angeles make laws on drought planting. In Santa Fe and neighboring cities, the rules are no lawns and only plantings indigenous to the environment. These cities look marvelous for the rich arrays of landscaping.

Lorraine Watson


Outlaw blaring police sirens. Recently I was mugged and left lying in the street. I was OK until the approaching police sirens gave me a splitting headache.


Larry Omaha, Encino


The city should fine those people who put City Council election signs on my frontyard. It’s horrible when those signs start shredding. It would be impossible for my gardener to clean it up without his leaf blower.

Emmanuel Rustia, Chino Hills


Garbage trucks. Especially the ones that come by at 6:30 in the morning.

It used to be you would hear them twice, coming and going. Now you hear them six times--twice for the truck handling the black receptacles, twice for the truck handling the green receptacles and twice for the truck dealing with the recyclables.

If they must start work so early, couldn’t they schedule their pickups from commercial areas first?


Barbara Algaze, Mar Vista


The City Council should ban those loud and obnoxious motorcycles or at least begin enforcing the laws requiring mufflers on them.

Mitch Cohen


Two words: dog doo.

Dusty Rhodes, Bakersfield
