
Goldwater as Ham Operator

* Understandably, your coverage of Barry Goldwater’s death (May 30) omitted another revealing glimpse of that individual, specifically that he was an amateur (ham) radio operator, who, among many other activities, often handled military traffic between Vietnam and the United States. He did so at no charge to either party.

Ham radio operators usually address each other by first name. Thus, when Barry was wrapping up his long service in the U.S. Senate, I wrote to him regarding a ham radio problem, beginning, “Dear Barry.” I promptly received an answer that Barry had obviously typed himself, not on Senate stationery.

Perhaps 10 years ago, during a ham convention held in the Phoenix area, Barry opened his home to ham visitors. As did everyone, my daughter received a personal welcome from Barry. Then, after viewing his well-equipped and neatly arranged ham station, she and others walked unescorted through Barry’s home viewing with awe his collection of Western art.


I also appreciated Barry’s wisdom in saying, regarding gays in the military, “They don’t have to be straight, they have to shoot straight.” I believe Barry felt we should all tolerantly work together. 73, Barry.


Sky Valley
