
Anesthesia Refusals for Medi-Cal Patients

Re “Anesthesia Refusals Prompt Probe,” June 14.

I am a medical professional and, most important, a mother. To deny [Ozzie] Chavez the proper medical care to ease her pain during labor is not only unethical but just cruel. Has Dr. [Lori] Berke ever been through labor? This is even worse when the person who has the power to relieve this woman’s horrible pain is another woman.

When I was in my 16th hour of labor with my first child my [obstetrician], who just happened to be a male, said to me, “Oh honey, it can’t be that bad.” This had nothing to do with money, as both my husband and I had excellent medical coverage. It seemed more to do with [being] perhaps too much of a bother than anything else. When you are in that state you just want the pain to stop.

I only have one more comment or question: What is Chavez doing delivering her fifth child on Medi-Cal? Is there no end or limit?


