
Trip to China

The White House has downplayed the military use by China of American communications satellites (June 14). I hope Sen. Richard C. Shelby’s (R-Ala.) committee reviews the February 1997 Uighur uprising in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region. Chinese troops were moved into the area and eventually dissident Ibrahim Ismael was seized on one of many raids.

Was American satellite communication equipment used to coordinate this activity in the remote northwest area? Did America play a part in crushing this nationalistic dissent?



I have just read President Clinton’s reasons why he must go to China and cement relations between our two countries (June 12). I would just like to ask him one question: Can you give me a good reason why we should help them to improve their weapon guidance systems so that they may hit their targets in American cities?


If he can give me a good answer to that, I will become a Clinton admirer.

KEN STRONG, Rancho Palos Verdes
