
Mental Illness Bill

I read with great interest “A Fair Deal for the Mentally Ill” (editorial, June 21), on AB 1100. The time is long overdue for our society, especially our state, to treat those who are challenged mentally and emotionally as we do those who are challenged physically; that is, with dignity and respect.

Families who are struggling with a family member who is mentally ill need the fair deal AB 1100 would grant them. If Gov. Pete Wilson is farsighted enough to take this one step in the right direction, then California can regain its cutting-edge position on matters that really matter in the home and workplace.

I learned long ago that the mentally ill are much like us, only more so. I also learned that, given the chance, they can become our teachers. This bill can help take us from the dark age of ignorance to what hopefully will become a new age of enlightenment.



