
Katz-Alarcon Race

Re “Power of Polanco Evident in Alarcon’s Victory,” June 22:

The controversy over the election for state Senate District 20 appears to be a creation of The Times. Upon closer observation, the results of that election are far more complex than Sen. Richard Polanco’s (D-Los Angeles) late flyer of alleged “race baiting.”

I do not live in that district, but do volunteer work there and know some leaders in the northeast Valley community as well as new citizens, immigrants anxious to participate in the electoral process. Both Richards (Alarcon and Katz) are highly respected by all. The close election results reflect that point more than any other controversial discussion.

Other factors impacting the results are the work being done by organizations that are registering Latino voters in record numbers and organizations that have been providing civics classes along with voting instructions to new citizens to familiarize them with the process of voting booths and absentee balloting. The enthusiasm of these new citizens cannot be discounted. They know their vote is important and now know the power of each vote.



Granada Hills


The real tragedy of the Katz-Alarcon election is the way a political leader can be deserted by the very people he has helped.

During his legislative career, former Assemblyman Richard Katz consistently supported issues benefiting Latinos. And what was Katz’s reward? He was hit with attacks containing racial overtones.

No wonder more good people don’t run for political office.


