
John L. Stanley; Educator Taught Political Theory at UC Riverside

John L. Stanley, 60, who taught political theory at UC Riverside. Stanley earned his degrees in political science and government at Kenyon College in Ohio and Cornell University, garnering a Woodrow Wilson Fellowship and a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship. An expert on Georges Sorel and Karl Marx, Stanley had been working on a book about Marx’s theory of nature. The educator edited or translated a number of books and wrote several others, including “The Sociology of Virtue: The Political and Social Theories of Georges Sorel.” Stanley joined the UC Riverside staff in 1965 and at the time of his death was chairman of its political science department. From 1995 until 1997, Stanley worked in London as associate director of the UC Education Abroad Program study center there. An avid train enthusiast, he had served as a member of the Riverside County Transportation Commission and was active in the National Assn. of Railroad Passengers. On Feb. 24 in Boston of amyloid heart disease.
